by Lyubov MANKOVA, Cand. Sc. (Philol.) Each September the Sukhovo-Kobylin country estate (the village of Novoye near Yaroslavl) lying on the bank of the picturesque Sit, under the shade of age- old lime trees of a wonderful park, hosts a theatrical festival commemorating the famous Russian playwright, Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin. Therefrom the celebrations proceed to the library named after him housing his memorial literary museum, the only in this country. Here Russian and foreign scholars make lectures and presentations, and exchange their research findings. Pages. 69 Alexander Vasilyevich Sukhovo-Kobylin was born on September 29, 1817, in Moscow. He got home education under the tutorship of the best professors in a curriculum broader than that of a classical gymnasium (grammar school). Besides, the youngster attended lectures at Moscow University. His tutor was the famous scientist Fyodor Moroshkin. He directed Alexander's reading and recommended him to keep a diary which the young man entitled "Journal of Ideas, Thoughts, Wishes, Intentions and Remarks". On its front page the tutor wrote: "I suggest that every week you put down something by way of practicing presentation of thoughts-correctly and with ease. Moroshkin." In 1834 - 1838 the would-be playwright and academician attended the Department of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University's Faculty of Philosophy from which he graduated with honors. Carried away by Hegel's ideas, he continued his education in Germany. Back in Russia, Alexander refused to go to civil service explaining it by the chronic repulsion he felt towards bureaucracy. Instead, he took up agriculture and forestry with much pleasure and success, and even merited a state prize in the 1890s. But he always combined practical work with arts and research. Sukhovo-Kobylin was long sure that the pleasures given by science and arts are "the best, since they justify one saying: Omnia ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: http://biblioteka.by/m/articles/view/FESTIVAL-AT-YAROSLAVL
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Россия Онлайн
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02.10.2018 (2330 days ago)
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