To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory
Among the major military and political events of the Great Patriotic War, an important place is occupied by the Battle for the Caucasus, which unfolded on the vast territory between the Black and Caspian Seas from the Don to the Terek and on the passes of the Main Caucasian Ridge. The struggle for the Caucasus, which made a significant contribution to the victory over fascism, began simultaneously with the Battle of Stalingrad and is closely related to its course and results. The Battle of Stalingrad, which made a decisive contribution to achieving a radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War and World War II, had a great impact on the successful outcome of the fighting in the Caucasus, which ended with the defeat of one of the selected groups of the Wehrmacht and the expulsion of the enemy from there.
The study of all aspects of the confrontation between the Soviet people and the Nazi invaders in the Caucasus occupies an important place in our literature. Many monographs, articles, pamphlets, sections in collective research and major works on the history of the Great Patriotic War, as well as memoirs are devoted to this problem. In general, this literature provides a fairly detailed account of the military and political events in the Caucasus in 1942-1943.
Literature on the history of the last war in recent years has become the subject of special historiographic generalization and analysis. Now there are already solid monographs and articles that fully or partially analyze the works devoted to the most important problems of the Great Patriotic War1 . However, the literature on the Battle for the Caucasus has so far been only partially analyzed historiographically. However, some steps already taken in this direction allow us to present to some extent the work done on the study of the topic under consideration .2 This review attempts to review, first of all, the latest research on the Battle for the Caucasus.
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