Russian industry at the Crossroads: What prevents Our firms from being Competitive (the Report by SU-HSE) The report views competitiveness of manufacturing industry as its capacity to produce goods and services with high productivity and sufficient profitability. The authors use the empirical survey of large and medium enterprises to search for the internal and external factors, which are expected to affect the position and growth perspectives of Russian enterprises. They have analyzed the way the enterprises invest and innovate, the quality of management, financial and personnel policy, as well as their learning capabilities. About 20 components of the investment climate have been studied as external factors effecting the competitive stand of companies. The situation at the factor markets and location characteristics have also been attributed to the external foundations of productivity and growth. The study has estimated the available industrial policy instruments and developed recommendations concerning efficient ways to stimulate competitiveness at the microlevel. METHODOLOGY OF ECONOMIC SCIENCE A. LIBMAN Modern Economic Theory: The main Tendencies The paper presents a survey of the main fields of theoretical and empirical research in economics and social sciences. It offers two classifications of economic research based on methodology and segments of scientific community. Advantages and disadvantages of different methodological approaches and standards of communication are considered. The article also discusses the main directions of evolution of mainstream economics, as well as empirical and experimental turn in the modern economic science. E. SCHLIESSER Galilean Reflections on milton friedman's "methodology of positive Economics", with Thoughts on Vernon Smith's "Economics in the laboratory" The article examines in detail the argument of M. Friedman as expressed in his famous article "Methodology of Pos ... Read more

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Россия Онлайн · 2638 days ago 0 1367
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Россия Онлайн
Москва, Russia
28.11.2017 (2638 days ago)
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