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КАВКАЗСКИЙ УЗЕЛ Последние сообщения с театра военных действий на Северном Кавказе рождают тревогу. Складывается впечатление, что дотоле победоносное шествие наших войск по Чечне начинает пробуксовыват…
Оружие вместо Корана дали подростку в Чечне Идея этой страницы возникла после того, как наш корреспондент по Ставропольскому краю прислал вот такой материал: У Руслана - короткая стрижка и веселые зе…
Навалил снег тяжкой шубой,Не блестящей пеленойРастянулся от «шурупа»До обрезка под «пилой».Натянуть то полотнищеНе пришлось, ведь в январеМать-Природа кроет пищуЗемлям туго, как в шатре.По сугробам ме…
ТРУДЯСЬ  ДУШОЙ Не жди, когда    гроза Небесная безжалостная над планетой грянет И вместе с молнией и громом               разразится над твоею головой: Перед назревшею, возможно уже близкою, бедой Затишье благостное мнимое тебя да не обманет!.. Готовься к …
СВОЙ  ПУТЬ В заботах и тревогах жизни сей                 у каждого не собственный ли путь, Сродни дорожкам беговым –                 своих и номера, и ширины, и цвета, Какая-то своя заветная далёкая означенная мета, До коей, не жалея сил, в итоге непремен…
в альбоме представлены фотографии автора с коллегами, в различных ситуациях служебной и иной деятельности.
АКПП 4T65E — это четырёхступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач, разработанная компанией General Motors. Она устанавливалась на большое количество автомобилей, включая Buick, Chevrolet, Pontiac и другие модели. Для поддержания работоспособности этой кор…
Современное строительство требует не только прочных и долговечных решений, но и учета экологических факторов. Инженерно-экологические изыскания помогают минимизировать влияние строительства на окружающую среду, защитить экосистему и обеспечить соответствие…
Over the past 15 to 20 years, the number of publications about the national policy of the Soviet state has increased dramatically in the United States. The growing interest of American bourgeois histo…
2 days ago
ЧЕРТОГ  НЕБЫВАЛЫЙ                 Вы боги и сыны Всевышнего все вы.                 Псалтирь Как черепичный кров, от времени и вихрей обветшалый, Пускай с годами станет собственное наше естество, И неминуемо однажды оборвётся оттого Наш век скудельный под …
(ORIGINAL QUESTION OF THE ARYAN PROBLEM) The Aryan 1 problem is studied by scientists of various specialties: historians, archaeologists, linguists. There are big and small questions in this problem; there are questions that can already be considered solve…
After returning to St. Petersburg, I temporarily settled in the apartment of my sister Anna Markovna. I was looking forward to meeting my fellow revolutionaries, eager to share my impressions, express my doubts about lavrism, my aspirations for more active…
To look into the life of the ancient Russian population, and in such a side hidden from prying eyes as family life, is both interesting and useful from a scientific point of view. But it's hard to do that. As far as the few sources allow, we will try to fi…
Defensive structures are a bright and unique phenomenon in the history of ancient Russian culture. Much attention was paid to the construction of such structures. This was explained by the fact that m…
3 days ago
Major General of ITS N. E. Nosovsky 1. About our factory In August 1936, I arrived at the Kalinin Artillery Factory with a referral from the Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute. The sixth workshop…
3 days ago
L. Nauka Publishing House. 1970. 324 pp. The print run is 1,150. Price 1 rub. 53 kopecks. G. S. Isaev has already spoken on the problems of the genesis of capitalism .1 His monograph is a further in-depth study of the history of the textile industry in the…
The system of state education in Russia in the 19th century was divided into three stages, reflecting the existing class order in the country. The first and lowest level was the primary (folk) school, intended for the lower classes: peasants, townspeople, …
Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1970. 586 p. The print run is 20,000. Price 2 rubles 43 kopecks. The participation of Soviet people who escaped from captivity in the Resistance movement and their contribution to the fight against fascism have long been the…
Major General of ITS N. E. Nosovsky 4. On a steep climb But not only our factory in the first year of the third five-year plan dramatically increased the production of guns and successfully coped with…
3 days ago
Nauka Publishing House, Moscow, 1968, 367 p. Circulation 2000. Price 1 rub. 50 kopecks. For a long time, one of the most important periods in the history of autocratic Russia - the era after the revol…
3 days ago
Late 1920. The Republic of Soviets, having won a series of victories in the struggle against the external and internal enemies of the socialist revolution, was able to begin peaceful work, focusing ma…
3 days ago
Until 1935, this street was called Ostozhenka, in the XVII and XVIII centuries - Stozhenka, and in ancient times-Ostozhye, that is, the area with haystacks. In ancient times, there were water meadows …
3 days ago
Konstantin Antonov, Chair and Professor of the leading Orthodox university in Russia, answers the questions about the status of theology as an academic discipline. In particular, he discusses issues of the subject of theology, relations between theology an…
ДОКОЛЕ  ЖИВ Доколе жив и полон сил на свете ты,                 пекись о бодрости трудов И в подоспевший праздник, и вдоль череды рабочих будней: И в неподвижный штиль на море, тем не менее, на судне Занятье для матросов есть… На протяжении веков Бесчислен…
The paper deals with a social group of the Kabardino-Balkarian society - the so-called "praying youth", which emerged during the post-Soviet religious revival. The paper shows some distinctive features of this group - their social base, their world outlook…
Monk Gabriel (1929-1995) is one of the most popular religious personalities in modern Georgia. His sermons and prophecies became very popular in the early 1990s and still are to this date. The expanding Internet social networks added to his popularity. His…
Spilka B., Ladd K. Psychology of prayer. Scientific approach / Translated from English. Oksana Gritchina. Kharkiv: Humanitarian Center, 2014, 254 p. (in Russian)1 Translations of modern literature are a problem area for Russian religious studies: there are…
This article looks into the history of Muslim community of Petrograd- Leningrad during the Soviet time. The author pays special attention to its little-known and understudied aspects by referring to a wide range of sources from oral memoirs to diary extrac…
СОБИРАЮЩИЙ  ПОТОК Ручей невзрачный                в результате обращается могучею рекой, Как водится, вбирая на пути своём неисчислимые притоки; Ствол с кроной дерева столетнего                 питают жизнедательные соки При помощи системы разветвлённой по…
Песня НА ЛУГУ СЕРЕБРЯНЫЕ КОНИ... слушать, скачать,песня сгенерирована авторомв нейросети: Видеопесня НА ЛУГУ СЕРЕБРЯНЫЕ КОНИ... смотреть, слушать,песня сгенерирована автором в нейросети:
Песня НОЧКА ЗВЁЗДНАЯ ГУЛЯЕТ...1 слушать, скачать, песня сгенерирована автором в нейросети Песня НОЧКА ЗВЁЗДНАЯ ГУЛЯЕТ...2 слушать, скачать, песня сгенерирована автором в нейросети…
Песня ПЫЛИТ ДОРОГА НАСЫПНАЯ...1 слушать, скачать, песня сгенерирована автором в нейросети: Песня ПЫЛИТ ДОРОГА НАСЫПНАЯ...2 слушать, скачать, песня сгенерирована автором в нейросети:…
Спит холодная равнина,У дороги дремлет лес,Месяц жёлтый выгнул спину,Меж двумя холмами влез.Ветер бродит на задворках,Деревушка спит в ночи.В тусклом свете на пригорках,С переливами лучи.Вдалеке застыли горы,Звёзды смотрят с высоты,Холодок младой и скорый,…
В пальме кроны вековой,Свила птичка домик свой,Скоро вывела птенцов,Стал уютным милый кров.Вдруг явился утром слон,Был какой-то странный он,Хмурый был и горделив,Взгляд его был суетлив.Слон на пальму ту взглянул,Громко в радости вздохнул,Стал чесаться слон…
Веет утренней прохладой,По лугам звенит роса,У дорог коровье стадо,Топчет полюшко овса.В роще тёмной и широкой,Кажет зорька синий взгляд,Глаз не прячет с поволокой,Одевает свой наряд.Месяц жёлтый, одинокий,Покатился в зелень трав,Удалился в сон глубокий,Цв…
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Important information for authors

Why is it important to save your scholarly work in a digital library?

There are many reasons why it is important to keep your scholarly work online. Let's focus on the main ones:
  1. Wide access: The Internet allows researchers and scholars around the world easy access to your scholarly work. This is especially important for those who live or work in remote countries or regions or sparsely populated areas where access to scholarly publications may be limited.
  2. Preservation and dissemination of knowledge: The preservation and dissemination of scientific works on the Internet ensures the preservation and dissemination of knowledge that can be used to advance science. This helps avoid duplication of research and facilitates access to previous works, which contributes to faster human progress.
  3. Citation: Storing research papers online at a specific address provides a permanent link to your work, making it easier for other scientists to cite and use your research. It also helps to increase your citation index in academia.
  4. Archiving: Storing research papers online ensures that they are archived and preserved for the future. This is important so that researchers can access previous works and use them in their own research.
  5. Dissemination of ideas: Keeping scientific papers online provides an opportunity to disseminate ideas and research results to a wide audience. This can lead to a broader discussion of ideas and a faster dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community.

What can I save in a digital library?

In a digital library, authors can save all kinds of digital information:
  1. E-books: digital versions of books, which can be saved in PDF, DJVU, or other e-book formats.
  2. Scientific articles: scientific publications that can be saved in text form for reading from a computer screen or other gadget or in PDF or other electronic article formats (in which case articles can also be read from both desktop and mobile device screens).
  3. Journals: digital versions of journals that can be saved in PDF or other electronic journal formats.
  4. Audio and video materials: lecture recordings, music, movies and other video and audio files. Audio files are stored in a special storage, and we recommend uploading videos to Youtube and then inserting a link to them in your publications in the library.
  5. Documents: different types of documents, such as brochures, manuals, reports, articles, and other documents. There is a special section for files in the library.
  6. Maps and drawings: different types of graphic images, including maps, charts, drawings, diagrams, and other types of images. They can be stored in the Photo Documents section.
  7. Electronic textbooks and learning materials: digital versions of textbooks, study guides, and other learning materials.
  8. Electronic newspapers: digital versions of newspapers that can be saved in PDF or other electronic newspaper formats.
  9. Photos: digital images of photos and other graphic materials.
  10. Archival materials: digital versions of documents and other materials from archives and museums.
  11. Research information: digital versions of articles, reports, dissertations, and other research-related materials.
  12. Electronic diaries: digital versions of diaries and other personal entries. The library has a special section for author diaries, where you can keep entries in chronological order.
  13. Electronic patents: digital versions of patents and other documents related to intellectual property.
  14. Internet Archives: electronic versions of web pages and other online materials that can be saved in archiving programs and uploaded for preservation in the library.
  15. Computer programs and applications: digital versions of software, applications, and games.
  16. Electronic dictionaries and reference books: digital versions of various dictionaries and reference books on various topics.
  17. Music: digital versions of music, albums, and other audio materials.
  18. Digital maps: electronic versions of maps, geographic and topographic data.

Why is the digital library free for authors and readers?

All services to authors and readers are provided free of charge. So it was, so it is and so it will be. There are several reasons why the library stores and makes available information published by authors for free:
  1. Accessibility. Free access to information makes it available to all users, regardless of their financial status or location. This is important to ensure equal access to education and information for all.
  2. Dissemination of knowledge. The purpose of digital libraries is to disseminate knowledge and information throughout the world. Free access to information contributes to this goal because it allows people to access the latest scientific discoveries and other important information resources.
  3. Social effect. Many authors, especially those who publish their works in the electronic library, do not receive direct financial benefits from their publications, but do so in order to promote science and disseminate knowledge. Providing free access to their work helps them achieve this goal.
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