The article examines the experience of studying the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918 by the international research community. The article shows the unprecedented interest towards this historical event, which went beyond the borders of the Russian church history and became a symbol of the renewal of church life. The Council's activity is examined through the prism of the research interest of Russian and foreign authors. Particular attention is paid to the research project of German theologian and historian professor Gunther Schulz, in the series "Church Reforms", which are dedicated to the history of preparation and activity of the Council, edited by archpriest Nikolai Balashov, as well as to the monograph by French Catholic theologian, priest Hyacinthe Destivelle.
Keywords: History of Russia (USSR), history of Russian Church, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918, renewal, the restoration of the patriarchate, the laity in the Church, deaconess in Russian church, Prof. Gunther Schulz, pr. Hyacinthe Destivelle, pr. Nikolai Balashov.
The text was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation No. 15-18-00135 Project " Individual, ethnic group, religion in the process of intercultural interaction: Russian and world experience in the formation of a common civil identity".
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The Local Council of the Russian Church of 1917-1918 was held in the context of the revolution and the collapse of the Russian Empire. Even then, many participants in the Council recognized it not just as a turning point, but as an event unprecedented for the entire Russian Orthodoxy. The principles of conciliar governance of the Church, the active involvement of the laity in the life of church institutions at all levels, and the reform of worship and language - these vectors of church renewal outlined at the Local Council of the Russian Church have been in the focus of attention of the Christian world throughout the 20th century. The Russian experience of the Church Council became known to the Western world largely due to the Russian church emigration, which relied on the decisions of the Council in organizing the church life of foreign dioceses, and also turned to the subjects of the Council in historical and theological studies.
In the Russian Church on the territory of the USSR, the idea of the need for councils was preserved throughout the XX century. Since 1943, the Soviet leadership allowed the periodic holding of councils, which at that time were mainly limited to legitimizing changes in the administration of the Russian Orthodox Church (the election of a patriarch, the adoption of Regulations on the Administration of the Church) and the publication of foreign policy declarations. The protest in the church community against the Khrushchev reforms also called for a review of the current practices of church governance in terms of their compliance with the decisions of the Council of 1917-1918. 1
During the period of Perestroika in the USSR, a new stage begins in the study of the history of the conciliar movement in Russian Orthodoxy, discussions around the reforms of church life at the beginning of the XX century and the Council of 1917-19182. An appeal to the church periodicals of the early 20th century showed the richness and diversity of discussions that took place in the church environment in the pre-revolutionary period. However, before the opening of the archives in the USSR, only one category of materials of the Council was available to the church and scientific community: those published in 1917-1918. Acts and Definitions of the Council, which were reprinted by the Novospassky Monastery in 1993-2000.
1. See, for example: Hermogenes (Golubev), Archbishop On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the restoration of the Patriarchate (historical, canonical and legal reference). The reference was first published in the Bulletin of RSHD No. 86. Its full text is published on Lev Regelson's website [, accessed from 08.03.2016]. See about hopes for the 1917 Cathedral: Vasilyeva O. Yu. Local Cathedral of 1971: truth and Fiction / / Alpha and Omega. 2006. N 1 (45), pp. 67-91.
2. Russkoe pravoslavie: vekhi istorii [Russian Orthodoxy: vekhi istorii], Moscow: Politizdat, 1989.
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The opening of the archive collections of the Cathedral of 1917-1918 in the early 1990s showed that the published materials of the Cathedral make up an extremely small proportion of the array of documents that was formed during the preparation and direct work of the Cathedral. There was a question of introducing many new archival documents into scientific circulation.
The Orthodox educational organizations and publishing houses that emerged in the course of perestroika began to study and publish materials relating to individual subjects of the Council's activities almost simultaneously. In 1991. The Society of Lovers of Church History has started publishing the series "Materials on the History of the Church", which has become a significant project for publishing materials on the history of the Russian Church in the XX century. The editor-in-chief of the series was Alexander. Ilya Solovyov, and the editorial board of the series, which is periodically updated, includes a number of foreign and Russian researchers 3. In this series were published memoirs of participants in the Council of 1917-1918, studies on the history of the Russian Church in the early twentieth century, published abroad, reviews of the Council's sessions (books 28-30), Reviews of diocesan bishops 1905-1907 on church reform (books 33-34), journals and minutes of the Pre-Council presence (books 56). Since 1998, the Society of Lovers of Church History has published the first Russian journal on church history - "Church Historical Bulletin", which sought to accumulate new materials and research.
In the context of studying the legacy of Patriarch Tikhon, the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Theological Institute (since 2004-the Orthodox St. Tikhon's University for the Humanities, PSTU) also turned to stories related to the Cathedral. The Institute became a center for systematic study of repressions against the Orthodox Church and believers during the Soviet period. During the 1990s and 2000s, a group of researchers led by N. A. Krivosheeva prepared publications about the Cathedral: memoirs of the participants of Sobor 4, documents about the beginning of the persecution
3. Erich Briner (Institute of Faith in the Second World, Switzerland), M. A. Kolerov, N. A. Krivosheeva (St. Petersburg State University), prot. Georgy Mitrofanov (SPbDAiS), V. A. Nikitin, A. Yu. Polunov (Lomonosov Moscow State University), D. V. Pospelovsky (University of Ontario, Canada), S. L. Firsov( SPbU), prot. Valentin Chaplin, D. M. Shakhovskoy (St. Sergius Theological Institute, Paris), G. Schultz (Wilhelm University in Munster).
4. Delo velikogo stroitelstva tserkovnogo: Vospominaniya chlenov Svyatnogo Sobor Pravoslavnoi Rossiiskoi Tserkvi 1917-1918 gg. [The Great Church Building Case: Memoirs of Members of the Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church of 1917-1918].
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Churches 5, materials of investigations into the death of a member of the Council, Metropolitan Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky)6. The study of the Council's materials on theological education is carried out by Professor N. Yu.Sukhova, 7 and the history of church-state relations during the Council's activity is carried out by K. V. Kovyrzin, 8.
Other authors have repeatedly addressed the subject of the Council. Representatives of the St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute (SFI) studied the Council's ideas on mission, catechesis, the role of the laity, and the language of worship.9 Bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) referred to the Council's materials in the context of studying the name-worship and related disputes. 10 E. V. Belyakova studied the Council's discussions on the reform of the ecclesiastical court, 11 relations with the Old Believers, 12 and the restoration of the rank of deaconesses.13
5." The time of podvig has come...". Documents of the Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church of 1917-1918 on the beginning of persecution of the Church / Comp., author. вступ. articles, comments by N. A. Krivosheeva, Moscow: PSTGU, 2012.
6. The Holy Council of 1917-1918 and the martyrdom of Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and Galicia/Introduction, published by N. A. Krivosheeva // Bulletin of PSTSU. 2008. Issue II: 1 (26). pp. 106-127.
7. Sukhova N. Yu. Documents on the history of higher spiritual education in Russia in the fund of the Local Church Council of 1917-1918. 2007. N 4. pp. 87-96.
8. Kovyrzin K. V. The Local Council of 1917-1918 and the search for principles of church-state relations after the February Revolution // Domestic history. 2008. N 4. pp. 88-97; Kovyrzin K. V. Opredelenie Pomestnogo Sobor "O pravovom polozhenii Pravovoi Rossiiskoi Tserkvi" (2.12.1917): istoriko-pravovoi analiz [Definition of the Local Council "On the legal status of the Orthodox Russian Church" (2.12.1917): istoriko-pravovoi analiz] / / XXII annual Theological Conference of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University [November 16-22, 2011 and January 20-21, 26, 2012]. Vol. 1 Moscow: Publishing House of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's University for the Humanities, 2012, pp. 78-80.
9. See, for example: Paglazova N. Sobor of the Russian Orthodox Church of 1917-1918 on the external and internal mission of the Church // The mission of the Church and modern Orthodox missionary work. International Theological Conference dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the Glorification of St. John the Baptist. St. Stephen of Perm, Moscow: Sv. - Filaretovskaya mosk. higher level. pravosl. Christian School, 1997, pp. 65-80.
10. Hilarion (Alfeyev), ep. The Sacred Mystery of the Church. Introduction to the history and problems of Name-Slavonic disputes. in 2 vols. St. Petersburg: Aleteya Publ., 2002.
11. Belyakova E. V. Problema tserkovnogo suda v Rossii v poreformennoe vremya i tryota ee resheniya na Pomestnom Sobor 1917-1918 gg. [The problem of the Church court in Russia during the post-reform period and an attempt to solve it at the Local Council of 1917-1918]. 2002. N 1 (16). pp. 152-161.
12. Belyakova E. V. Staroobryadcheskiy vopros na Pomestnom Sobor 1917-1918 gg. [The Old Believers ' question at the Local Council of 1917-1918]. Issue 4. Moscow, 2010, pp. 145-158.
13. Belyakova E. V., Belyakova N. A. Discussion of the issue of deaconesses at the Local Council of 1917-1918. 2001. N 8. P. 139-161; Belyakova E. V. Zhenka v tserkovnom pravo i trytka reforma na Pomestnom sobor 1917-1918 godov [A woman in church law and an attempt to reform the Local Council of 1917-1918]. Istoriya i sovremennost ' [History and Modernity], Moscow, 2004.
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Project by Gunther Schultz "The Bolshevik Dictatorship and the Local Council of 1917-1918"
An important milestone in the study of the Cathedral was the publication of Lutheran priest and theologian Gunther Schultz. Schultz's interest in the Cathedral of the Russian Church in 1917-1918 began while studying at the seminar " Theology and History of the Christian East "(Erlangen) in the early 1980s, it was led by a well-known researcher of the Eastern Orthodox monastic tradition, a long-term participant in the Orthodox-Lutheran dialogue, Fairey von Lilienfeld (1917-2009).14 Having received the opportunity in 1990 to visit the Leningrad Theological Academy as part of an exchange of students and teachers, Schultz was one of the first to get acquainted with the Cathedral's archival materials, partially located in the Russian State Historical Archive (then TSGIA), which had just been transferred from Spetskhran. In 1997, G. Schultz's project "The Bolshevik Dictatorship and the Local Council of 1917", based on the Institute of Oriental Churches in Munster, was supported by the Volkswagen Foundation, which made it possible to systematically work on the project by German researchers (Gisella Schroeder and Tim Richter) and Russian scientists (Alexander Kravetsky and Alexandra Pletneva). By that time, he had considerable experience working with the Council's materials concerning liturgical statutes, editing of liturgical books, and the language of worship.15
The objective of the project was a comprehensive study of the socio-political context of the Council, or rather, to combine the concepts of church transformations developed by the Council with Russian realities, which were rapidly changing (first of all, a radical change in church-state relations).
P. 197-210; Belyakova E. V., Belyakova N. A. Discussions on the legal status of women in Orthodoxy at the beginning of the XX century / / Gender and religion: A collection of articles/IEA RAS, Moscow, 2009, pp. 90-111.
14. See its activities in the field of Orthodox-Lutheran dialogue: Life, Church, Science, Faith. Prof. Fairey von Lilienfeld talks about herself and her vision of Orthodoxy and Lutheranism. Conversations with Prof. Vereshchagin, comp. in Germany in 1996-2002, Moscow: Indrik, 2004.
15. Kravetsky A. G. Discussions about the Church Slavonic language (1917-1943). 1993. N 5. pp. 116-135; Kravetsky A. G. The problem of the liturgical language at the Local Council of 1917-1918 and in subsequent decades // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. 1994. N 2. pp. 68-87.
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At the same time, it was important to consider the Council in the context of European church history, the history of theological ideas, and inter-Christian relations. Of particular interest were questions about the role of lay people in the life of the church, the understanding of hierarchical institutions, and the practice of ordination.
It was also important for German Lutherans to draw historical analogies between the Local Council of the Russian Church and the first synod (Council) of the Confessional Church (Bekennender Kirche), held in Barmen in May 1934,16 since both churches were faced with the need to develop a response to totalitarian ideologies that claimed a monopoly in all spheres of human life.
In the second half of the 1990s, a number of articles by G. Schultz appeared in the periodical Kirche im Osten, which reflect the stages of forming the researcher's view of cathedral processes. He paid great attention to the consideration of the Council in the context of the development of the revolutionary situation in Russia, the anti-church line of the Bolsheviks and the adoption of the Decree on the separation of Church and state. By 2000, Schultz had identified the following key milestones in the Council's activities17: establishing the principle of conciliarity as the highest value of church life and working out mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the principle of conciliarity at all levels of the church body, up to dioceses and communities. Schultz noted that the implementation of this principle was impossible due to the political circumstances of the life of the Russian Church in the XX century. Nevertheless, the researcher argued that the history of the Russian Orthodox Church during this century is the history of the struggle for the establishment of the principle of conciliarity.
Another important observation of Schultz was the thesis about the activation of church life at the grassroots level - in Orthodox communities. In his opinion, the decisions of the Council to expand the participation of the laity contributed to resistance to the anti-church measures of the Soviet government in the post-revolutionary years. & -
16. It adopted the so-called Barmen Declaration, which formulated a vision of the church's mission and assessed the cult of the leader and the line of so-called "German Christians".
17. Schulz, G. (1999/2000) "Das Landeskonzil der Orthodoxen Kirche in Russland 1917/18 und seine Folgen fuer die Russische Geschichte und Kirchengeschichte", Kirche im Osten. Bd. 42/43. S. 11-28.
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vms on the unique parish lay activity in the 1920s. It was subsequently confirmed in the documents published by A. N. Kazakevich and A. M. Sharipov, as well as in the research of Gregory Fries 18.
Of particular importance, according to Schultz, were the decisions of the Council on the attitude to the unity of churches, which, in his opinion, largely predetermined the nature of the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church in the XX century to the ecumenical movement. The Council's decision" On the Unity of Churches", which was discovered by G. Schulz, was not published in the "Collection of Decrees and Definitions" and was published only in German.19 The nature of this definition was influenced, on the one hand, by the history of dialogue between the Russian Church in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries with a number of Christian denominations - Anglicans, Old Catholics, and the American Episcopal Church, and, on the other hand, by tense relations with Catholics and Greek Catholics in the western territories of the Russian Empire.20
Schultz pays much attention to the restoration of the patriarchate, which he sees, on the one hand, as the development of the idea of conciliarity, its logical conclusion, and, on the other, in the context of the ongoing persecution, when the patriarch became the representative and symbol of the persecuted church. Schultz believes that the patriarch perceived himself as the patriarch of the Council and did everything to preserve conciliarity in the church. At the same time, he unequivocally asserts that in his dialogue with the state authorities, Patriarch Tikhon later overstepped the bounds of the council's decisions (which categorically condemned the actions of the Bolsheviks).:
18. Kazakevich A. N., Sharipov A.M. Pravoslavnaya Moskva v nachale XX veka: sbornik dokumentov i materialov [Orthodox Moscow at the beginning of the XX century: a collection of documents and materials]. Moscow: Mosgorarchiv, 2001; Friz G. "Vse vlast prikhodam": vozrozhdenie pravoslaviya v 1920-e gg. 2012. N 3-4. pp. 86-104.
19. G. Schulz commented on and published in German materials on the issue of church unification: Schulz, G. (1996)" Der Ausschluss fuer die Vereinigung der Kirchen des Landeskonzils der Orthodoxen Kirche in Russland", Kirche im Osten. Studien zur osteuropaeischen Kirchengeschichte und Kirchenkunde 36: 70-100. See reverse translation: The Question of the Unification of Churches at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church of 1917-1918. 27.04.2010 [, accessed from 1.03.2016].
20. Schulz, G. (1999/2000) "Das Landeskonzil der Orthodoxen Kirche in Russland 1917/18 und seine Folgen fuer die Russische Geschichte und Kirchengeschichte", Kirche im Osten 42/43: 11-28.
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in 1919, the patriarch spoke of neutrality, and in 1925 of loyalty to the communist government.21
While the German participants of the project were engaged in the historical and theological interpretation of the Cathedral, the Russian participants sought to describe and systematize the source database at their disposal as fully as possible. Thus, A. Kravetsky and A. Pletneva carried out a laborious description of the work of three sessions of the Sobor 22, which was published in 2000-2003. This review enabled readers to understand the logic of the Council's work, the sequence of decisions made, and their context.
In 2005 in Munster in the series " Teologie. Forschung und Wissenschaft (Vol. 4) published in German the collective monograph " Bolshevik Power and the Orthodox Church in Russia. Local Cathedral of 1917/1918. Sources and analysis " 23. In this nearly 800-page book, a team of German theologians led by G. Schultz summarized the project's research results and presented the Council's key discussions and decisions for the German-speaking reader. About half of the book was taken up by the Council's documents, a brief overview of the Council's meetings, a chronology of the Council's activities, and biographical information about the participants. The authors compiled a complete bibliography of Cathedral studies at that time, using all available Russian-language publications in their reviews. The research part of the book has the following structure: thematic review of the Council's work and decisions (T. Richter); history of the development of relations between the Council and the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) in connection with the preparation and adoption of the SNK Decree on the separation of Church and State of February 2 / January 20, 1918 (G. Schultz); Decree on the Separation of the Church from the state and its implementation based on the materials of periodicals of that time (G. Schultz); communities and the Bolshevik dictatorship (G. Schroeder); religious policy after the publication of the Decree
21. Ibid., S. 26.
22. The Holy Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918. Review of Acts, Third Session, ed. by A. G. Kravetsky and G. Shultz, Moscow, 2000; Holy Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918. Review of Acts, Second Session, Ed. by A. A. Pletnev and G. Shultz, Moscow, 2001; Sacred Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918. Review of Acts, first Session, ed. by A. G. Kravetsky, A. A. Pletneva, G.-A. Schroeder, G. Schultz, Moscow, 2002
23. Schulz, G., Schroeder, G.-A., Richter, T. C. (2005) Bolschewistische Herrschaft und orthodoxe Kirche in Russland. Das Landeskonzil 1917/1918. Quellen und Analysen. Muenster, LIT Verlag.
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(G. Schultz); religious processions as a form of church resistance (G. Schroeder); creation and activity of church unions and fraternities (G. Schroeder); Council in collision with a new ideology and politics (G. Schroeder); persecution of the Orthodox Church (G. Schroeder); contradictions between members of the Council and the participation of women in life churches (G. Schroeder); military service and freedom of conscience; creation of the Red Army (T. Richter).
After describing the history of the Council's organization and attempts at dialogue between Council commissions and representatives of the Council of People's Commissars during the preparation of the Decree, the authors of the monograph considered it necessary to present to readers the situation in Orthodox Russian parishes after the Bolsheviks seized power. G. Schroeder, based on materials in the Council's archive, outlined the protests of communities against the Decree on Secession and against the ban on teaching religion, analyzed the practice of protest processions and the emergence of church unions and fraternities, among which she highlighted the Alekseevsky Brotherhood, the Union of United Parishes of Moscow and the All-Russian Union of United Parishes of the Orthodox Church (VSOOC). Then G. Schroeder, based on the materials of the conciliar commissions in defense of the church, writes about the persecution of the Orthodox Church, about Bolshevism in the church, and about the reaction of the Council members to the new ideology and policy of the Soviet government. The Council's reaction to the crackdown, the discussion about the possibility of holding a memorial service for the royal family, and the establishment of the veneration of the New Martyrs were presented.
Analyzing in a separate section the discussion of the status of women in the Church, G. Schroeder argued that this was an attempt to find in the Orthodox tradition grounds for more active participation of women in church life. At the same time, she noted that the tendency to increase women's participation increased as members of the Council realized the growth of anti-clerical sentiments in society, and therefore there was a need for more active involvement of the "church people" in the defense of the church.
What conclusions do the authors of the monograph come to? The thesis that the Cathedral was an integral part of the revolutionary process in Russian society runs through the whole book. After the overthrow of the monarchy during the February Revolution, it became possible to carry out cardinal church reforms related to the constitution of the church as an autonomous structure. Spontaneous democratic transformations "from below" in the PE-
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changes in the Provisional Government also took place in the life of dioceses and parishes, where congresses and meetings were held that deprived discredited church leaders (primarily due to their connection with Rasputin) of power. After the Bolshevik coup d'etat in October 1917. The Russian Church was forced to exist in the emerging totalitarian system, and the authors came to the conclusion that the church, despite all the restrictions and general marginalization, remained an alternative space for believers. And the idea of conciliarity led in the post-revolutionary period to an increase in the activity of various church communities and groups, including women's ones. On the other hand, the Bolsheviks used the activation of diverse church elements and confrontations between different groups in order to interfere in church life.
The authors of the study are convinced that the decisions of the Council had a great impact on the life of the church in Bolshevik Russia, that they contributed to the activation of the laity and the rise of religious life at the parish level. Indeed, the activity of the faithful is evidenced by the materials of parish fraternities and groups, which show an increase in the involvement of women in church life. However, the question of whether the ideas and decisions of the Council itself were so well known to the church community as to have an impact on the organization of ordinary believers at the parish level in 1918-1919 is still open. Questions about how adequately the members of the Council perceived what was happening in the country and how they understood their pastoral responsibility also require further reflection.
Series "Local Council 1917-1918" edited by Archpriest N. Balashov and the beginning of the full scientific publication of the Council's materials
A systematic study of the Cathedral's activities in certain areas was carried out thanks to the initiative of Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, who, in cooperation with the Christian Russia Foundation, developed a corresponding research and publishing project. Based on many years of research on pre-conciliar periodicals, N. Balashov put forward the thesis that in order to understand the decisions of the Council, it is necessary to pay attention to pre-conciliar discussions, as well as to discussions within various Departments of the Council (as is known, the work of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Federation).-
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ra was interrupted, and on many issues he did not make any decisions).
N. Balashov became the curator and editor-in-chief of a series of studies that included monographs on liturgical reforms, the history of the pre-conciliar movement 24, and the reforms of the church court, mission, and diocesan administration. This series is not complete. A. L. Beglov's monograph on parish reform is due to be published in the near future; studies on the system of spiritual education and the institute of monasticism are also expected.25
The authors of this series review the history of discussions on issues related to liturgical practices, church courts, missionary work, diocesan organization, and church discipline in the early 20th century. After a detailed presentation of the pre-Council discussions, researchers turn directly to the work of the Council: they study the materials used by the Council members; analyze the course of discussions reflected in the minutes or meeting logs; describe how the reports of Departments were compiled. One of the authors, Abbot Savva (Tutunov), later recalled that in the course of his research, the most important and unexpected thing for him was the history of drafting conciliar decisions and finding consensus on them. "Thus, in the matter of diocesan administration, Professor A. M. Gromoglassov was to a certain extent an ideological opponent of His Eminences Kirill (Smirnov) and Seraphim (Alexandrov), the 'conservatives', since he belonged more to the 'liberal wing' and expressed rather revolutionary projects before the Council. "26
24. Firsov S. L. The Russian Church on the Eve of Changes (late 1890s-1918): The Local Council of 1917-1918 and the Pre-council period. Moscow: Dukhovnaya Biblioteka, 2002.
25. Balashov N. prot. On the way to the liturgical revival/Church Reforms. Discussions in the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the XX century. Local Cathedral. 1917-1918 and the pre-conciliar period. B. M., 2001; Belyakova E. V. Tserkovny sud i problemy tserkovnoi zhizni [The Church Court and Problems of Church life]. Discussions in the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the XX century. Local Council of 1917-1918 and the pre-council period, B. M., 2004; Savva (Tutunov), ig. Diocesan reforms/Church Reforms. Discussions in the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the XX century. Local Council: 1917-1918 and the pre-council period. B. M., 2011; Kravetsky A. G. Church Mission in the Era of Change (between preaching and dialogue)/Church reforms. Discussions in the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the XX century. The Local Cathedral of 1917-1918 and the Pre-Council period, B. M., 2012.
26. However, in the Department of the Church Parish, Professor Gromoglasov was an active "conservative" - a proponent of Episcopal principles, for example, in the issue of ownership of parish property.
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Despite these differences, Fr Savva believes that it was the speeches of the three mentioned participants of the Council that determined its decisions concerning diocesan administration.27 This historical and genetic approach allowed us to understand the context of making conciliar decisions, authorized the documents adopted by the Council, and showed the way to reach consensus. The authors of these studies refused to focus on the decisions of the Council as such, paying attention to its incompleteness, but at the same time giving an idea of the potential of church reform, which was revealed in the pre-conciliar and actual conciliar periods.
The use of new sources in the framework of the research project under the leadership of N. Balashov contributed to the awareness of the need to introduce other materials related to the preparation and conduct of the Council into scientific circulation. We are talking about documents that reflect the activities of the Council, the Bishops ' Conference, 22 departments of the Council dealing with issues of church organization and administration, as well as a number of commissions whose work was devoted to current issues of church life. In addition, materials from pre-Council bodies were used during the Council, many letters and requests from believers and clergy were addressed to the Council on various issues; the Council's collection contains materials from clergy questionnaires, etc. The first inventory of the Cathedral's fund (GARF. P3431) contains 660 units: several tens of thousands of sheets, most of them handwritten.
In 2011, Bishop Savva of Voskresensk, vicar of the Novospassky Monastery in Moscow, took the initiative to publish all materials related to the activities of the Local Council of 1917-1918. A scientific and editorial board was organized, which included leading researchers of the Cathedral and heads of the state archives, which contain the materials of the Cathedral 28; A. I. Marbornov became the scientific director of the project. According to the project concept, a commented scientific publication should include not only acts and resolutions
27. Hegumen Savva (Tutunov) on the book "Diocesan Reforms" / / Official website of the Moscow Patriarchate [, accessed from 08.03.2016].
28. Bishop Savva of the Resurrection, Archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church. Savva (Tutunov), prot. Nikolai Balashov, prot. Vladimir Vorobyov, professor. Ilya Solovyov, priest. Alexander Mazyrin, A. L. Beglov, O. Y. Vasilyeva, A. I. Visly, G. M. Zapalsky, A. G. Kravetsky, N. A. Krivosheeva, A.V. Loginov, S. V. Mironenko, A. I. Marbornov, E. I. Pivovar, S. V. Chernyavsky.
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The Council, but also materials related to its preparation, documents of the Council Council, Meetings of Bishops, departments and sub-departments, commissions and pre-council bodies, economic and personal services of the Council 29. The task of the team of responsible editors 30 was to prepare 34 volumes of materials and documents of the Council. By the beginning of 2016, 4 volumes of documents were published, which included acts defining the procedure for convening and holding the Council, minutes of the Council Council, minutes of the Council, documents of the Bishops ' Meeting and the Council's Judicial Commission. The project is expected to be fully implemented by 2020.
Iakinf Destivel's monograph "The Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918 and the principle of conciliarity"
A study on the Local Council of the Russian Church in 1917-1918 by the Catholic priest Iakinf Destivel31 was published in French in 2006; in 2008, Russian-speaking readers were introduced to it32; in 2015, Destivel's monograph on the Cathedral was published in English33. Destivel's book is divided into four major sections. In the first case, the pre --
29. On the preparation for the publication of the Acts of the Local Council of 1917-1918. N. A. Krivosheeva, senior researcher of the Department of Modern History of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's University for the Humanities, tells about the work on the publication of the Acts of the Local Council of 1917-1918 / / Official website of the Moscow Patriarchate. 24.04.2012 [, accessed from 07.03.2016].
30. Prot. Maxim Kokarev, A. L. Beglov, E. V. Belyakova, N. A. Belyakova, T. E. Zhitinev, G. M. Zapalsky, K. V. Kovyrzin, A. G. Kravetsky, N. P. Menshov, A. I. Marbornov, N. Yu. Sukhova, S. L. Firsov.
31. Laurent Destivel (Iakinf as a monk), a graduate of the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris, defended his PhD thesis at St. Petersburg State University in 2007: Destivel L. The Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918 and the principle of conciliarity. SPb. Diss. for the degree of Candidate of philosophical Sciences. In December 2008, his dissertation "Reform of Church Academies and teaching of Orthodox theology in Russia at the beginning of the XX century" received doctorates from three scientific institutions in France.
32. Destivelle, H. (2006) Le concile de Moscou (1917-1918). La creation des institutions conciliaires de l'Eglise orthodoxe russe. Paris. Destivel I., priest. The Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church of 1917-1918 and the principle of conciliarity, Moscow, 2008.
33. Destivelle, H., O. P., Plekon, M. (ed.), Permiakov, V. (ed.) (2015) The Moscow Council (1917-1918). The Creation of the Conciliar Institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. Notre Dame Press.
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history of the convocation of the Council; the second section describes the composition of the Council and the principles of its functioning; the third section describes the Council's decisions; and the fourth section describes the reception of Council decisions by Russian Orthodox theologians in exile.
Destivel identifies several key topics that he considers throughout the study: the principle of conciliarity, the participation of laity in church governance, and the institution of the patriarchate. These topics were actively discussed by Orthodox theologians in exile (Archpriests N. Afanasyev, G. Florovsky, I. Meyendorff, A. Schmemann), and it is with their vision in mind that the author interprets the conciliar process.
In connection with the development of the conciliar movement in Russian Orthodoxy, the author unequivocally asserts that the term conciliarity is a neologism introduced by Slavophiles, primarily A. S. Khomyakov, and developed in the works of S. N. Trubetskoy. In the context of the movement for the reform or renewal of church life, "conciliarity" was contrasted with "collegiality", introduced into the administration of the Russian Church by Peter I. There is no such juxtaposition of concepts in other languages, and its emphasis points to the specifics of Russian church discussions in the second half of the XIX-early XX centuries, during which participants searched for adequate terminology that reflects the current church realities.
The discussion of the format of the Council led to two opposing positions regarding its composition: "democratic", which presupposes the participation of laity and clergy, and "episcopal", which preserves the full power of bishops. The development of a compromise position is attributed by Destivel to Archbishop Sergius (Stragorodsky), who proposed the creation of an episcopal conference at the council, thanks to which conciliarity acquired a "charismatic" rather than "representative" meaning. According to Destivel, the" charismatic " understanding of conciliarity lay in the very idea of the Council, that is, in its mixed composition and in the decision-making procedure, when all participants were given the right to vote, but the bishops retained the right to veto decisions of plenary sessions. It was of fundamental importance that the decisions of the Council established the principle of conciliarity at all levels of the institutional structure of church life and elaborated in detail the mechanisms for its implementation through determining the number of representatives from bishops, clergy and laity in all instances. This gave a later basis
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critics accuse members of the Council of deviating from ecclesiological principles in favor of a passion for ideas of representation and democracy.
The cathedral went down in history as having restored the patriarchate. However, the very idea of restoring this institution appeared among the members of the Council in opposition to the synodal ("non-canonical") system of government established by Peter I. Destivel emphasizes the controversial nature of the question of restoring the patriarchate at the Council and examines the arguments of both sides from four points of view: theological, canonical, historical and psychological. As in many other cases, the panelists were under the threat of being accused of being attracted, on the one hand, to the Protestant model of collegiality, and, on the other, to the Catholic model of centralization represented by the Pope. According to Destivel," psychological " arguments were preferred due to external circumstances. Arguments about the need to have a "Mourner", "Prayer Book" and "Head" in the face of external danger turned out to be decisive after the October 1917 coup: the vote on the question of the patriarchate was held on October 27 (November 9), that is, on the day when armed clashes between junkers and revolutionary detachments took place in the Kremlin.
Destivel points to the unique place that the patriarch occupied in the hierarchical structure of the church, emphasizing that, according to the decisions of the Council, the patriarch was not "just a primate invested with liturgical and symbolic privileges and representing the Church in external relations. It is also endowed with real moral authority over the entire Russian flock, hierarchical prerogatives over bishops, and the right of initiative and protest over the central organs of church administration " (p. 142). The author also draws attention to the fact that during the XX century the powers of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia increased, so that huge power was concentrated in his hands. However, Destivel, unlike Dmitry Pospelovsky, does not problematize the relationship between the authoritarian power of the patriarch and the conciliar principle in church governance.34
34. See Pospelovsky D. Na puti k sobornosti [On the path to conciliarity]. Kontinent, 2004, No. 121 [, accessed from 08.03.2016].
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Destivel calls the Council's proposed concept of church-state relations its " weak point." In his analysis, he confines himself to the text of the Council's definition" On the Legal Status of the Russian Orthodox Church " of December 2/15, 1917, according to which the church sought to obtain internal autonomy from the state and get rid of the execution of bureaucratic procedures (first of all, maintaining civil status records, organizing investigations in divorce proceedings, etc.), but at the same time forms of state support. According to the author, the church wanted to oppose the concept of separation from the state - the ideal of symphony. At the Cathedral of 1917-1918. The Russian Church claimed a privileged position in relation to other confessions. In the author's opinion, insisting on the predominant position of Orthodoxy in the country, the Council opposed the separation of church and state - as an unnatural process that prevents the church from "transforming" the state. 35
In conclusion, Destivel repeats the thesis of Archpriest I. Meyendorff, according to which the Council did not sufficiently consider the issue of church-state relations. However, this statement seems controversial and superficial. The research of A. L. Beglov, E. V. Belyakova, and K. V. Kovyrzin draws attention to the context in which the corresponding definition of the Council appeared: in essence, it was a draft concordat that the Constituent Assembly was supposed to consider.36 On the other hand, G. Schultz in his research says that the Council was looking for ways to interact with the new government, and also tried to understand the way the church existed in the conditions of Bolshevik persecution, but all this was not reflected in the council's decisions and therefore was ignored by Destivel.
In our opinion, the author's interpretation of the reception of the Cathedral by the Russian church community is the most contradictory. According to Destivel, in this case, the main ones are
35. This issue is considered in the article "Symphony of the Authorities" or "The Free Church in a State governed by the Rule of Law": Russian Discussions of the beginning of the XX century, taking into account the pre-conciliar discussions. // History. Electronic scientific and educational journal. Vol. N 7 (23). 2013. Moscow, 2013. pp. 6-18.
36. Beglov A. L. From the cathedral definition to the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars. K voprosu o genezise tserkovno-gosudarstvennykh otnosheniy sovetskogo perioda [On the genesis of Church-State relations of the Soviet period]. 2007. N 1 (48). pp. 146-170.
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Political circumstances and the beginning of persecution of the church by the Bolshevik regime were obstacles to the reception of council resolutions. At the same time, the history of the transformation of the idea of the Cathedral in the Soviet period is not analyzed. The author does not stop at the question of what significance for the church community was the discrediting of the ideas of church revival by the renovationists. The author also ignores the question of the attitude of the Russian Church Abroad (ROCOR) to the Council, and names only the Western European Russian Archdiocese centered in Paris and the Sourozh Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate in the UK as the main recipients of the Council's decisions.
The presentation of the decisions of the Council according to the "Collection of Definitions" available to the author leaves out of his attention all the complexity and versatility of the ecclesiastical and social realities in which the Council worked. Out of the researcher's field of view remained the Council's discussions and the work of the Council's Departments, as well as the resolutions prepared but not considered due to the termination of the council's work.
Destivel makes little use of Russian studies on the pre-conciliar process, as well as the Soviet period of the Russian Church's history. Even the list of references contains only 16 monographs in Russian, 6 of which are works by emigrant authors, and 3 were published in a series of studies under the general editorship of prot. N. Balashov. While in the latter, the authors set out to discuss the most complete issues related to the Council, taking into account the diversity of opinions and ways to develop a common position, in Destivel's research we see the desire to present the Council in the form of a complete and consistent picture, which, in our opinion, leads to simplification and schematization of such a multidimensional phenomenon as the cathedral of 1917-1918.
* * *
The study of the Cathedral of the Russian Church in 1917-1918 entered a new stage after the opening of the Cathedral's archive collections. The variety of topics that the Council dealt with determined the consideration of the Council's activities in different contexts. In the course of the research conducted by G. Schultz, the activities of all three sessions of the Council were described, and the Council itself was included in the con-
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text of the religious policy of the Bolsheviks and protest activity of believers. I. Destivel's monograph became a certain milestone in creating a chronological outline of the pre-council period and systematizing the decisions of the Council, but a full-fledged history of the Local Council of 1917-1918 is still waiting to be written. The project for the scientific publication of all the documents of the Cathedral under the scientific supervision of A. I. Marbornov, which organically complements the research series edited by N. Balashov, will create an opportunity to systematize the cathedral's heritage at a new level. The current research raises a number of new questions, primarily on the reception of conciliar decisions by the church community in post-revolutionary Russia.
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